by Roadmap Writers
"I NEARLY LOST YOU offers a fresh, female-driven take on a classic science fiction time travel trope. The script supplies a small cast of well-rounded, tightly written characters. The writer's strong voice is clear from the first page: the action and dialogue have a poetic rhythm. The structure is successfully suggestive of an Edgar Wright-esque film style.
The premise is an original spin on a genre-favorite trope.
This script offers two well-written female protagonists. Rachel and Ann discover and pursue their desires within the plot. They experience complete arcs. Their struggles are clearly identifiable: Rachel, who grew up with nothing, wants a traditional middle-class life while Ann, who grew up with everything, detests the monotonous rat race and yearns for simplicity and self-expression. They complement each other nicely. Ann and Rachel will likely be accessible, relatable characters to a wide age range.
The dialogue is succinct and snappy. It elevates the script and propels the story forward. Better than realistic, it fits the world. The snappy dialogue sets the rhythm of the script, and that rhythm makes this a smooth script. The rhythm is reminiscent of an Edgar Wright film. Every character has a distinct voice.
The story is compelling because it's grounded in a compelling and complex mother/daughter relationship. The story is meaningful because it explores several themes related to feminism, coming-of-age as a young adult, and envy of the unknown. Overall, the story maintained consistent internal logic and each event had a logical role in advancing the story.
The story structure is clearly visible and correct. The time vortex revealed on page 23 is perfectly timed. The pacing is fast, but a clear stylistic choice.
The author has a strong and unique voice. Their voice is poetic and coolly aloof in a way that perfectly conveys the tone and visual style of the piece. The writing is alive and demonstrates mastery of visual language. The visuals on [page 113] are especially good.
I NEARLY LOST YOU is a fun, high-energy time travel tale of a mother and daughter repairing their relationship by repairing themselves. It delivers strong female characters, quick dialogue, and a solid story. The author's voice is unique and memorable. The story's heart is Rachel and Ann's relationship, so illustrate it in the logline to better market this excellent script."
GRADE: "Recommend"